The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is carrying out surveys on each of the marine plans (North West, North East, East, South East, South and South West). The MMO is required to monitor marine plans under Section 61 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act (2009) Responses to the surveys will help the MMO to understand policy effects and the effectiveness of policies in securing the objectives of the marine plan and will be used to inform the three-yearly report to Parliament on each of the marine plans.
The monitoring survey should take about an hour to complete and the MMO would like to complete a follow-up interview with respondents to consider responses in more detail (optional). Data taken from the monitoring surveys and later used in publications will be aggregated and anonymised.
To respond click on the relevant link below:
- North West Marine Plans monitoring survey
- North East Marine Plans monitoring survey
- East Marine Plans monitoring survey
- South East Marine Plans monitoring survey
- South Marine Plans monitoring survey
- South West Marine Plans monitoring survey