Coastal Trail Documents

Coastal Access Documents and Reports

Resources from a range of organisations and relating to coastal access can be downloaded from the dedicated Coastal Access section of the Publications page. For research and other documents relating directly to the North West Coastal Trail concept see below.

Trail Concept and Implementation Research

A range of research has been carried out to explore and develop the North West Coastal Trail concept and implementation:

Download “North West Coastal Trail Strategic Positioning and Business Case” NWCoastalTrailPositioningBusinessReport.pdf – Downloaded 3871 times – 335.31 KB Download “North West Coastal Trail Implementation Framework” ANWCoastTrailReport-Final.pdf – Downloaded 3641 times – 1.40 MB Download “North West Coastal Trail Concept Feasibility Study” Coastal-Trail-Feasibility-Study-Report-April-2003.pdf – Downloaded 3534 times – 1.67 MB

Trail Brand

A North West Coastal Trail brand has been developed for use by partners promoting their local access routes:

Download “North West Coastal Trail Branding Strategy” NW-Coastal-Trail-Brand-Strategy.pdf – Downloaded 3303 times – 201.68 KB Download “North West Coastal Trail Brand Guidelines” NWCT_Guidelines_Low-Res.pdf – Downloaded 3349 times – 1.15 MB

Accessing the North West Coast Report

In June 2011 a workshop was held in Morecambe to explore how the North West Coastal Trail project fits with national coastal access and to gather information on what is happening or planned that will contribute to the Trail vision, together with issues and opportunities for future development. The report summarises existing and planned actions and opportunities on a county basis and also explores what actions might be undertaken by a range of organisations to progress multi-user access to and along the North West Coast. The results of this workshop, together with results from a wider consulation on the same issues which followed the workshop, are presented below:

Download “Accessing the North West Coast” Accessing-the-North-West-Coast-2011-Final-Report.pdf – Downloaded 4668 times – 614.77 KB

Horse Riding Access Survey

The British Horse Society and the North West Coastal Forum worked together on an initial audit of horse riding access along the North West coast (between Chester and Carlisle). The audit was in the form of a short survey for horse riders using the North West coast and will contribute towards the establishment of a North West Coastal Trail which would include access for equestrians. The survey ran from December 2011 to March 2012.

In order to proceed on equestrian access improvements we need to prove demand and potential for this route so the aim of the survey was to collect evidence on where access is already good, where access is OK but not secure and where access needs improving or creating. This information will be used by both the British Horse Society and North West Coastal Forum to help develop better access for horse-riders in North West England and will also help with any potential funding we may apply for to take the Trail project forward.