Closed: 7 March 2022 The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is carrying out surveys on each of the marine plans (North West, North East, East, South East, South and South West). The MMO is required to monitor marine plans under Section 61 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act (2009) Responses to the surveys will help
Closed – consultation: Marine Strategy Part Two: Monitoring Programmes
by NW Coastal Forum on October 3, 2020
Closed 23:45, 17th November 2020 Defra, the Northern Ireland Executive, the Scottish Government and the Welsh Government are seeking views on the updated marine monitoring programmes for the state of the UK’s seas. The proposed monitoring programmes will be used to gather evidence on the status of different parts of the UK marine environment to
NW Marine Plan – Issues Database and Issues with Supporting Evidence Consultation Summary now available from MMO
by NW Coastal Forum on November 4, 2016
The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has published an issues database for the North West, North East, South East and South West Marine Plan areas. The database has been published following a call for issues with supporting evidence which ran from 30 June 2016 to 5 August 2016 and was supported by a series of workshops,
Call for evidence: The Economic Potential of Coastal Communities and the Visitor Economy
by NW Coastal Forum on August 30, 2016
Closes 5.00pm on 30 September 2016 The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for the Visitor Economy is conducting an Inquiry into the Economic Potential of Coastal Communities and the Visitor Economy. The aim of the inquiry is to provide an opportunity to discuss how the Government and the hospitality and tourism industry can support the economic
MMO Report on Social Impacts and Interactions Between Marine Sectors
by NW Coastal Forum on September 5, 2014
The Marine Management Organisation has published a report commissioned to provide a body of evidence on social impacts through an assessment of interactions within and between sectors listed in the Marine Policy Statement. The project provides a baseline of evidence and also provides a framework for using this evidence as part of the marine planning process. It provides
House of Lords Inquiry into EU Regional Marine Co-operation
by NW Coastal Forum on September 5, 2014
Call for written evidence closes 26th September The House of Lords European Union Committee’s Sub-Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries, Environment and Energy has launched a call for evidence as part of an Inquiry into EU Regional Marine Co-operation. They would like to hear from a wide range of witnesses. Public hearings will be held from October to December 2014
Call for evidence: Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities: how they operate
by NW Coastal Forum on May 20, 2014
This call for evidence closes on 1 August 2014 12:00am Defra is calling for evidence on how each Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (IFCA) has worked to meet its duties. This evidence will be used in drawing up a report on the conduct and operation of IFCAs which the Secretary of State must lay before
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