We are delighted to announce that as from February 1st 2024 the North West Coastal Forum is now a registered charity (no. 1206825). This means some changes to the way we are managed as we are now a Charitable Incorporated Organisation with a Board of Trustees and an Expert Advisory Committee with voting rights to guide us.
The objects of the NWCF CIO are:
To promote and advance, for the public benefit, the conservation protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment in the coastal areas of North West England including those under other national jurisdictions and education in sustainable development by:
- The provision of conferences, workshops and other dissemination mechanisms;
- Providing information and advice to inform, for the public benefit, relevant policy, legislation, plans, strategies and projects;
- Facilitating and enabling coordination and collaboration between coastal and estuarine partnerships and other relevant bodies across the north west; in particular to encourage knowledge sharing and increase collective understanding of and competency in coastal management issues;
- Advancing scientific knowledge through the commissioning and carrying out of research on coastal management issues and participation in research initiated by other organisations, and by promoting the study of and research into relevant coastal management subjects, provided that the useful results of such studies are disseminated to the public at large,
- Initiating projects and participating in projects initiated by other organisations in order to advance public knowledge and understanding of coastal management and its benefits for long term sustainability;
Sustainable development means ‘development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.’
North West England means the area of northern England from the Solway Firth – a cross border estuary with Scotland – to the Dee Estuary – a cross border estuary with Wales.
This is a very significant change to the way we operate and will help to secure a brighter future for the Forum. We have now entered the establishment phase and will update the website as we have more news to report.