MCCIP has published a suite of outputs on ‘responding to key challenges in UK marine climate change’, building on the evidence presented in the latest MCCIP report card (2020) and providing a snapshot of the key issues facing the UK marine climate change community and guidance on how to address them. The outputs are designed
Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership: Key Challenges and Emerging Issues Publication
by NW Coastal Forum on April 5, 2022
Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment Programme Policy Paper published
by NW Coastal Forum on April 5, 2022
Defra has published a policy paper setting out the Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment (NCEA). This is a science innovation and transformation programme, spanning land and water environments, including marine. It has been set up to collect data on the extent, condition and change over time of England’s ecosystems and natural capital, and the benefits
Environment Agency publishes storm overflow Event Duration Monitoring data for 2021
by NW Coastal Forum on April 5, 2022
Storm overflows are designed to release excess storm water from the sewerage system into rivers or the sea during prolonged, heavy rainfall, to ensure they are not overwhelmed. Water companies should only do this under strictly permitted conditions. Nearly nine in ten storm overflows now have monitoring devices providing vital information about their use to
Bathing Water Quality Statistics
by NW Coastal Forum on February 6, 2022
Defra has published statistics summarising the statistics on English coastal and inland bathing waters in 2021 and their compliance with the 2013 Bathing Water Regulations. In summary, out of the 417 bathing waters measured in England: 413 (99%) met at least the minimum standard under the Regulations with 295 of these classified as ‘excellent’, 100 classified as
Closed – North West Marine Plan Monitoring Survey
by NW Coastal Forum on December 1, 2021
Closed: 7 March 2022 The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is carrying out surveys on each of the marine plans (North West, North East, East, South East, South and South West). The MMO is required to monitor marine plans under Section 61 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act (2009) Responses to the surveys will help
WAMM outputs – Coastal Data Explorer, Policy & Legislation StoryMap and Workshop Presentations
by NW Coastal Forum on December 19, 2020
The Wholescape Approach to Marine Management ‘WAMM’ project, which supports a more collaborative approach between Coastal and CaBA partnerships to build knowledge and expertise to enhance delivery for the coastal and estuarine environment nationwide, is nearing its conclusion and a range of useful outputs are now available (see link below). Coastal Data Explorer: The Coastal
NERC Environmental Data Discovery Trails Quiz!
by NW Coastal Forum on November 4, 2020
Join in the NERC Environmental Data Discovery Trails, you might get a reward! To improve the accessibility of data collected through NERC-funded research, or managed by NERC data centres, the Natural Environment Research Council is collecting feedback on the user experience to improve the navigation of various web portals used to access these data. To
Closed – NW Marine Plans: Annual Monitoring Survey
by NW Coastal Forum on October 9, 2020
Closed 15th December 2020 The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is asking stakeholders in the north west of England to take part in the annual monitoring survey to gather baseline information on the draft North West Marine Plan. This is the first time the MMO has run the survey in the north west and they will
Closed – consultation: Marine Strategy Part Two: Monitoring Programmes
by NW Coastal Forum on October 3, 2020
Closed 23:45, 17th November 2020 Defra, the Northern Ireland Executive, the Scottish Government and the Welsh Government are seeking views on the updated marine monitoring programmes for the state of the UK’s seas. The proposed monitoring programmes will be used to gather evidence on the status of different parts of the UK marine environment to
General Data Protection Regulations – new North West Coastal Forum Privacy Policy
by NW Coastal Forum on May 25, 2018
New General Data Protection Regulations come into force on 25th May 2018. As a result the North West Coastal Forum has undertaken a major review of our databases and contacted everyone we have details for to ensure we are in compliance with the new regulations. For more information how we look after and use contact data please see our
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