The North West Coastal Forum is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered charity number 1206825
Prior to becoming a charity on 1st February 2024 we worked with partners from a wide range of different sectors across the North West as well as nationally and internationally on a variety of projects and policy issues and this activity will continue under the auspices of the new CIO.
Up to 31st January 2024 we were governed by a Management Board made up of over 15 representatives from coastal stakeholder organisations. These organisations will be invited to be members of the new Expert Advisory Committee which replaces the Management Board and will provide expertise and advice to the Board of Trustees, as well as having full voting rights on the work of the Forum.
- Commission research
- Hold conferences and events, often including site visits, to highlight issues, inform stakeholders and showcase best practice
- Facilitate workshops on relevant issues
- Inform and advise on policy by responding to formal and informal consultations and by active participation in national policy workshops
- Provide technical input and expertise to projects spearheaded by other organisations and partnerships, including work with European partners
- Represent the multiple interests of the North West coast on project groups and at stakeholder meetings and by speaking at events across the UK and beyond.
- Produce a regular newssheet on coastal issues
- Hold a biennial awards scheme – NW Awards for Coastal Excellence – to inspire individuals, communities and practitioners
Explore this site to discover more about our aims & vision, the projects we’re involved in and to learn more about the North West coast.
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