National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy for England

The Environment Agency has published a strategy setting out a vision of a nation ready for, and resilient to, flooding and coastal change – today, tomorrow and to the year 2100. It sits alongside the Government’s policy statement on flood and coastal erosion risk management (see separate news item).

The National FCERM Strategy sets out practical measures to be implemented by risk management authorities, partners and communities, which will contribute to longer term delivery objectives and the vision, which is ‘A nation ready for, and resilient to, flooding and coastal change – today, tomorrow and to the year 2100’.

It has 3 core ambitions re future risk and investment needs:

  1. Climate resilient places: working with partners to bolster resilience to flooding and coastal change across the nation, both now and in the face of climate change
  2. Today’s growth and infrastructure resilient in tomorrow’s climate: Making the right investment and planning decisions to secure sustainable growth and environmental improvements, as well as resilient infrastructure.
  3. A nation ready to respond and adapt to flooding and coastal change: Ensuring local people understand their risk to flooding and coastal change and know their responsibilities, and how to take action.

For more information follow this link:



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