We are pleased to announce that booking is now open. The North West Coastal Forum is working with the North West and North Wales Coastal Group and Our Future Coast to deliver a conference on climate change exploring the challenges facing the North West’s coastal communities and working with nature to adapt to coastal
Closed – Booking now open for Climate Change on the North West Coast conference 29 & 30th March 2023
by NW Coastal Forum on December 15, 2022
National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy for England
by NW Coastal Forum on August 10, 2020
The Environment Agency has published a strategy setting out a vision of a nation ready for, and resilient to, flooding and coastal change – today, tomorrow and to the year 2100. It sits alongside the Government’s policy statement on flood and coastal erosion risk management (see separate news item). The National FCERM Strategy sets out
Marine Area Statement for Wales
by NW Coastal Forum on July 7, 2020
Natural Resources Wales have published 7 Area Statements, including one for the Welsh marine waters out to 12 nautical miles. These Statements have been developed with local partners to help to deliver sustainable management of natural resources at a place-based level and the Welsh Goverment’s Natural Resources Policy priorities of: Delivering nature-based solutions Increasing renewable
The Irish Sea in the 2020s – Survey – closed
by NW Coastal Forum on June 23, 2020
This survey is now closed. The Irish Sea Maritime Forum, supported by the University of Liverpool, is conducting an Irish-sea wide survey to look to the future and the changing context of the Irish Sea in the 2020s. The aim is to develop a comprehensive picture of the future for the Irish Sea and
New European Climate Adaptation Newsletter published (European Environment Agency, February 2015)
by NWCF on February 23, 2015
A new newsletter focussing on climate change adaptation has been published by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The aim is to share news and information on climate change adaptation actions and research activies all across the EU. It includes reports on the outcomes of the United Nations Climate Conference in Lima, the Mayors Adapt initiative, newly
North West Awards for Coastal Excellence – NW ACE 2014 – Winners Announced!
by NW Coastal Forum on November 3, 2014
The winners of the NW ACE 2014 were announced today at Destination Coast! – the North West Coastal Forum’s biennial regional conference. The awards were presented by Peter Hampson, CEO of British Destinations. They were: Coastal Champion: in an unusual move we have 3 joint winners this year. They were proposed on one nomination and
Call for papers – ICE Coastal Management 2015
by NW Coastal Forum on May 9, 2014
The Institution of Civil Engineers’ (ICE) 8th Coastal Management Conference will take place in September 2015, in the Netherlands. Coastal Management 2015 – Changing Coasts, Changing Climate, Changing Minds seeks papers on top international coastal projects that offer practical learning, innovative and integrated solutions, and encourage new ways of understanding and managing our coasts. Occurring every
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