The aims of the ‘What’s Happening on the North West Coast’ pilot report are to: provide a comprehensive overview of strategic actions and policies at sub-regional or regional scale of significance for the North West coast, and which contribute to creating a more sustainable future for our coast help organisations working on the coast to
WAMM: A Collaborative Approach to Coastal Management – webinar recording now available
by NW Coastal Forum on January 24, 2022
Connecting coastal and upstream environments – a link to a recording of the event is below Organised by: The Catchment Based Approach & Coastal Partnership Network The WAMM (Wholescape Approach to Marine Management) project was established to help drive closer collaboration between the Catchment Based Approach ‘CaBA’ Partnerships, Coastal Partnerships and the Coastal Partnerships Network
Closed – Survey: What’s Happening on the North West Coast 2022?
by NW Coastal Forum on January 8, 2022
The survey has now closed and the Pilot Report is now available – see separate news item. The North West Coastal Forum is pleased to announce it’s receiving funding through the Championing Coastal Coordination fund to create a comprehensive ‘What’s Happening on the North West Coast’ report. This report will bring together strategic actions and
Plover Rovers – Talking the Coast 2021
by NW Coastal Forum on February 1, 2021
The Plover Rovers are a newly established science communication charity focusing on bringing marine science and coastal communities together. Their 2021 “Talking the Coast” project will have members of the UK Marine Scientific Community walk stretches of the English Coast Path and present their relevant research to local communities in towns and villages along the
WAMM outputs – Coastal Data Explorer, Policy & Legislation StoryMap and Workshop Presentations
by NW Coastal Forum on December 19, 2020
The Wholescape Approach to Marine Management ‘WAMM’ project, which supports a more collaborative approach between Coastal and CaBA partnerships to build knowledge and expertise to enhance delivery for the coastal and estuarine environment nationwide, is nearing its conclusion and a range of useful outputs are now available (see link below). Coastal Data Explorer: The Coastal
Solway Firth Coastal Conversations Online
by NW Coastal Forum on October 15, 2020
The Solway Coast AONB and the Solway Firth Partnership are presenting a series of webinars that focus on cross boarder topics such as salt, military history and farm steads. The first talk of the series, ‘Salt on the Solway’, focuses on the Solway’s salt making heritage. The speakers, Andrew Fielding and John Pickin, will summarise our current understanding
National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy for England
by NW Coastal Forum on August 10, 2020
The Environment Agency has published a strategy setting out a vision of a nation ready for, and resilient to, flooding and coastal change – today, tomorrow and to the year 2100. It sits alongside the Government’s policy statement on flood and coastal erosion risk management (see separate news item). The National FCERM Strategy sets out
Flood and coastal erosion risk management: policy statement
by NW Coastal Forum on August 10, 2020
This policy statement sets out the Government’s policy on flood and coastal erosion risk management and their long-term ambition to create a nation more resilient to future flood and coastal erosion risk. It forms part of their wider commitment to tackle climate change. It has been informed by the Environment Agency’s consultation exercise on the
The Irish Sea in the 2020s – Survey – closed
by NW Coastal Forum on June 23, 2020
This survey is now closed. The Irish Sea Maritime Forum, supported by the University of Liverpool, is conducting an Irish-sea wide survey to look to the future and the changing context of the Irish Sea in the 2020s. The aim is to develop a comprehensive picture of the future for the Irish Sea and
MCCIP Report Card 2020 Launched
by NW Coastal Forum on February 3, 2020
The Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership has launched a new Report Card for 2020 which provides the latest update on scientific understanding of climate change impacts on the UK’s coast and seas. For the first time the report includes the impacts of climate change on oxygen, cultural heritage and transport and infrastructure. The report card
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