The Environment Agency has published a summary of responses received to the consultation on the draft Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMPs) 2021 to 2027. FRMPs are statutory plans that set out how to manage flood risk in nationally identified flood risk areas and the consultation ran from October 2021 to January 2022. For more information
Draft Flood Risk Management Plans: 2021 to 2027 – Summary of Responses
by NW Coastal Forum on May 24, 2022
National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) in Wales and the Wales Flood Map Published
by NW Coastal Forum on November 4, 2020
The Welsh Government had published a new FCERM Strategy for Wales. This sets out the long-term policies for managing flooding, together with measures to improve planning and preparation for, and adaptation to, climate change which will be taken forward over the next decade by organisations including Natural Resources Wales, local authorities and water companies. The
National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy for England
by NW Coastal Forum on August 10, 2020
The Environment Agency has published a strategy setting out a vision of a nation ready for, and resilient to, flooding and coastal change – today, tomorrow and to the year 2100. It sits alongside the Government’s policy statement on flood and coastal erosion risk management (see separate news item). The National FCERM Strategy sets out
Flood and coastal erosion risk management: policy statement
by NW Coastal Forum on August 10, 2020
This policy statement sets out the Government’s policy on flood and coastal erosion risk management and their long-term ambition to create a nation more resilient to future flood and coastal erosion risk. It forms part of their wider commitment to tackle climate change. It has been informed by the Environment Agency’s consultation exercise on the
Wave Overtopping Clips from Crosby Beach Released on YouTube
by NW Coastal Forum on August 13, 2019
A selection of short clips, form GoPro and Smart Phone camera footage, taken during the National Oceanography Centre’s WireWall project during winter 2018/2019 have been released on the Channel Coastal Observatory’s YouTube channel. The footage shows wave overtopping around high water on the 7th March 2019, 25th January 2019 and 26th October 2018 at Crosby

WireWall – a new approach to coastal wave hazard measurements
by NW Coastal Forum on June 15, 2018
A new collaborative NERC-funded research project, led by the National Oceanography Centre and HR Wallingford, is taking a low-cost instrument previously used to measure waves in the open ocean, and converting it into an easily relocatable overtopping measurement system – WireWall – that can more confidently assess coastal overtopping hazards, and so help to optimise
Flood scheme boost with £36m of funding
by NW Coastal Forum on April 11, 2018
On 27 March Environment Minister Thérèse Coffey announced the 25 new schemes to receive a share of £36 million to improve flood protection announced in last year’s Autumn Statement. £33.8 million will be allocated to the 25 schemes over the next three years, in addition to a £2.2 millionalready allocated to 13 projects in Cumbria and
Managing flood and coastal erosion risk: April 2014 to March 2015
by NW Coastal Forum on August 7, 2015
The Environment has published their fourth annual national flood and coastal erosion risk management (FCERM) report for England. The reported year saw the largest programme of capital works completed in any one year, with 111 new flood and coastal risk management schemes, reducing flood risk for 31,700 households and reducing coastal erosion risk for a
Affordable flood insurance on the horizon for householders
by NWCF on January 12, 2015
In the near future households located with areas prone to high risk of flooding will be better protected against increasing insurance costs through Flood Re. Flood Re has come one step closer to implementation after the Association of British Insurers (ABI) and Flood Re agreed in December 2014 how the scheme will operate, enabling legislation
New ‘Flood Ready’ website launched
by NWCF on November 18, 2014
On 29th October the new Flood Ready website was launched. Flood Ready is an online resource which seeks to raise public awareness of flooding within the UK’s North Western region. The website is designed to engage communities such as families and schools to educate them on the risks and impacts of flooding. Flood Ready is looking for partners
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