Marine Planning from the Solway to the Dee, 3rd December 2018, Morecambe

Come along to a free North West Coastal Forum workshop to learn about marine planning, what it means for you and how to have your say in the development of the North West Marine Plan.

We will be holding an evening workshop at the iconic Midland Hotel in Morecambe on Monday 3rd December. This evening event runs from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and a hot buffet supper will be served part way through. The programme is available below.

It’s aimed at people who haven’t been involved with marine planning yet – or haven’t been involved much – and will:

  • Provide a general introduction to marine planning
  • Provide a series of views from different sectors on what it means for them.
  • Use a workshop format to explore people’s and organisations’ priorities for marine planning and how best to involve the widest range of people and organisations in the ongoing development and delivery of the North West Marine Plan
  • Give an update from the Marine Management Organisation on progress on the NW Marine Plan and opportunities for future engagement

Booking is essential as there are limited places available.

The programme for the evening is downloadable here:  Download “Final Solway to Dee Marine Planning Programme 2018” Marine-Planning-Solway-to-Dee-2018-Final-Programme2.docx – Downloaded 1161 times – 44.20 KB

For further information and to book your place please email [email protected]

This workshop is being delivered as part of the Marine Management Organisation’s Enhancing Stakeholder Engagement project, funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.

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