The North West Coastal Forum is pleased to announce the winners of the 2023 NW Awards for Coastal Excellence – an award scheme that recognises and celebrates outstanding achievement in and contribution to the long-term management of the North West’s coast and near-shore marine environment.
Coastal Community Action: This award is made to a community group in recognition of their significant contribution to the long-term management of the North West coast. Nominations are open to community volunteer groups which have carried out work on the North West coast within the last 2 years.
The Winner of the 2o23 NWACE for Coastal Community Action is Tideliners – a litter picking community group focusing on the Keer Estuary, Morecambe Bay (Warton/Carnforth area).
Coastal Best Practice: This award is made to an organisation or partnership of organisations in recognition of their significant contribution to the long-term management of the North West coast. Nominations are open to open to businesses, local authorities, government agencies and NGOs which have carried out work on the North West coast within the last 2 years.
The Winner of the 2023 NW ACE for Coastal Best Practice is Fylde Sand Dunes Project – A partnership project between the Lancashire Wildlife Trust, Blackpool and Fylde Councils working together to future-proof the dune system and community to widen the dunes seawards up to their natural limit to provide a sustainable sea defence, create a diverse and resilient ecosystem and contribute towards a climate resilient coast.
The winners of the Awards were announced at the recent conference: ‘Climate Change on the NW Coast: Challenges facing coastal communities and working with nature to adapt to coastal change’ which took place on 29th & 30th March 2023, Grange-over-Sands
This year’s Awards have been funded through the Championing Coastal Coordination (3Cs) initiative, which is led by the Environment Agency with support from Natural England, the Marine Management Organisation and the Association of Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities.
A pdf with more details about both winners can be downloaded here:
Download “NWACE-2023-WEB.pdf” NWACE-2023-WEB.pdf – Downloaded 2555 times – 3.55 MB