North West Marine Plans Adopted!

The UK Government has, today (23rd June) formally adopted the marine plans for the North West, North East, South West and South East of England. The marine plans have been produced by the Marine Management Organisation on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Accompanying each of the plans is a Technical Annex which is a key document – it is part of the marine plan and should be read in conjunction with it as it contains the bulk of the information needed for effective implementation. In addition a range of other reports is provided, including a Modifications Report, an Approach to Monitoring Report, the Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment.
The plans, together with the already published East and South Marine Plans, combine to cover the entire English seas region: 230,000 square kilometres, a third larger than the total land area of England.
To view the plans and supporting documents follow the links below:
For more information on marine planning in England see the Marine Management Organisation website. The Using Marine Plans webpage provides guidance notes to show how users, decision-makers and applicants could apply marine plans are available and the MMO’s Explore Marine Plans digital service provides an online, interactive resource for viewing marine planning policies, evidence, and supporting information.


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