The UK Government has, today (23rd June) formally adopted the marine plans for the North West, North East, South West and South East of England. The marine plans have been produced by the Marine Management Organisation on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Accompanying each of the
Welsh National Marine Plan Implementation Guidance Published
by NW Coastal Forum on July 7, 2020
The Welsh Government has published Implementation Guidance to accompany the Welsh National Marine Plan. The guidance provides more detail on policies within the plan, specific guidance on each plan policy and information on consenting requirements, governance, other legislation and definitions of terms used within the plan. The Implementation Guidance must be considered by any Public
The Irish Sea in the 2020s – Survey – closed
by NW Coastal Forum on June 23, 2020
This survey is now closed. The Irish Sea Maritime Forum, supported by the University of Liverpool, is conducting an Irish-sea wide survey to look to the future and the changing context of the Irish Sea in the 2020s. The aim is to develop a comprehensive picture of the future for the Irish Sea and
Marine Planning Consultation Posters
by NW Coastal Forum on February 2, 2020
The North West Coastal Forum has produced a series of posters to publicise the current consultation on the Draft North West Inshore and Offshore Marine Plans which is taking place until April 6th 2020. The posters will be displayed at public information points on the coast and in a range of other places from sailing
North West Marine Plan Posters – for Fishing, Recreation and Communities
by NW Coastal Forum on February 8, 2019
The North West Coastal Forum has produced 4 posters about marine planning giving information about opportunities to help to influence and shape the new North West Marine Plan which is currently being developed by the Marine Management Organisation. Each A4 poster has been developed with a different target audience in mind. They are free to download and
Closed – North West Marine Plan – Iteration 2 Online Engagement and Workshops
by NW Coastal Forum on January 23, 2018
Online Engagement opens on 29th January and closes 29th March 2018 This Spring 2018 the MMO is engaging on iteration 2 of marine planning for the four remaining marine plan regions – the north west, north east, south west and south east. The engagement will focus on: draft marine plan area visions draft options to address
Closed – NW Marine Plan Iteration 1 – feedback needed!
by NW Coastal Forum on February 6, 2017
Closes Friday March 31st 2017 The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has launched a call for feedback on the initial outputs for marine planning in the remaining marine plan areas: North West, North East, South West and South East. There is an online questionnaire and the MMO is asking for feedback on: How the marine plans
MMO Marine Plan Workshops Spring 2017
by NW Coastal Forum on January 24, 2017
The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has issued an invitation to participate in the next round of marine plan workshops. These will look at the issues and evidence database which was recently published (see news item on MMO Marine Planning Newsletter Jan 2017), explore potential policies for the new marine plans (including the North West) and
ICES Newsletter Update – December 2016
by NWCF on December 18, 2016
The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has published their newsletter for December 2016. The content of the newsletter includes the following: Understanding high CO2 worlds Collaboration from ocean to plate Giving culture a place within marine planning space Master methods for MSY proxies More information from the newsletter can be found
UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2017 Evidence Report
by NWCF on August 14, 2016
The Committee on Climate Change have released their Synthesis report, UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2017 Evidence Report (CCRA): priorities for the next five years. Key messages from the report detail that: The global climate is changing, with greenhouse gas emissions from human activity the dominant cause. Global emissions will need to peak soon and then
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