Consultation – New NWIFCA Byelaw: Permit to dredge

Consultation closes 9th September.

The North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority has launched a consultation on proposals for a new District-wide fisheries byelaw to regulate dredging of shellfish such as mussels and cockles through a permit system. Dredging without a permit in the District will be prohibited. The reason for the new system is to enable the NW-IFCA to comply with its duties to promote sustainable fishing, including assessing environmental impacts, in particular within the European Marine Sites.

For more information download the note below or see the NW-IFCA website, where the full wording of the byelaw will be posted as soon as possible.

Download “NW-IFCA Dredge Byelaw Consultation Aug 2016”

Dredge-Byelaw-Consultation.doc – Downloaded 1113 times – 165.00 KB

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