The North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority has announced that, commencing the 26th of August 2014, the Heysham Flat Seed Mussel Fishery is open for all current Byelaw 3 Permit Holders. A new Byelaw 3 permit for 2014/2015 will be required from the 1st of September 2014 and more information and application forms can be found on the NW IFCA website (see link below). This fishery area is characterized by colonies of Honeycomb worm reefs and an exclusion zone applies around the reefs. Please refer to the NW IFCA website regularly for updates on the fishable area, which may be extended to include Knott End Skear when tides allow. For more information including permit requirements, hours of operation, site access, etc., which must be followed when using this fishery, follow this link.
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Heysham Flat Seed Mussel Fishery Opens
by NWCF on August 28, 2014
Tags: fisheries, heysham, inshore, mussels, NW IFCA, Pernits
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