A report was conducted on the collation and analysis of offshore wind farm piling records during a five period from 2007 to 2014. Mike Elmes, Elena San Martin and Stephen Hull of ABP Marine Environmental Research Limited initiated the study which was funded by The Crown Estate. The report provides an evaluation of off shore wind farm piling and its implications to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) for future renewable projects, with specific interest to impulsive underwater noise. The MSFD Descriptor 11.1 addresses the issue of impulsive sounds within the marine environment, highlighting the need to understand multiple impulsive sounds and their source of origin, either natural or anthropogenic, especially in terms of spatial and temporal distribution, and whether the sound sources exceed thresholds where negative impacts are imposed on marine wildlife.
For more information on collation and analysis of offshore wind farm piling records 20007 – 2012 follow the link.