Consultation close 11:45 pm, 31 January 2023 The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) is carrying out a 4 week consultation seeking views on a draft report ‘Review of Consents for Major Infrastructure Projects and Special Protection Areas’. The review is required as a result of new or updated Special Protection Area designations.
Closed – Review of consents for major energy infrastructure projects and Special Protection Areas, 2022
by NW Coastal Forum on January 19, 2023
Marine Noise Registry Launched by JNCC and Defra
by NWCF on September 1, 2016
The Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) and Defra have launched the Marine Noise Registry (MNR) which will aim to record human activities in UK seas which produce a frequency between a range of 1oHz and 10kHz. The MNR will primarily be used to collect location and date data on noisy activities during development phases and
Burbo Bank Extension Community Fund now open to applications 2015
by NWCF on June 10, 2015
In December 2104 Dong Energy began building an extension for Burbo Bank offshore wind farm, located within Liverpool Bay off the North West Coast of England. Dong Energy has devoted itself to a Community Fund worth approximately £225,000 each year for the duration of the project. After an thorough community consultation process, the Burbo Bank
Burbo Bank Extension Community Benefit Fund – forthcoming public exhibitions and consultation survey summary
by NWCF on February 13, 2015
The Online Consultation Survey Summary for the Burbo Bank Extension Community Fund has now been published. DONG Energy will establish a Community Benefit Fund (CBF) worth up to £250,000 per annum for the lifetime of the Burbo Bank Extension offshore wind farm in Liverpool Bay (amount dependent on final scale of the project). The consultation
Green Alliance publishes ‘UK offshore wind in the 2020s’ report – 2014
by NWCF on December 3, 2014
Green Alliance has recently published a report entitled ‘UK offshore wind in the 2020s’. Targets to reduce carbon emissions from the generation of electricity will increase opportunities for offshore wind projects in the future. The report reviews the future difficulties and potential prospects for offshore wind projects in the UK. The report also presents a
Solent Forum Newsletter – Winter 2013/14
by NWCF on November 22, 2014
The Solent Forum has issued its newsletter for winter 2013/14. The newsletter provides news items relating to the Solent Disturbance and Mitigation (SDMP) project, DEFRA’s newly published Concordat, the Coastal Communities Adapting to Change (CCATCH) project, The Green Blue Guide to Pump Out Systems, consent changes for navigational dredging activities, the Marine Navigation Act, Maritime
Scottish Government consents the development of 4 offshore wind farms (North Sea)
by NWCF on November 19, 2014
The Scottish Government has permitted the development of four offshore wind farms within the Scottish territory of the North Sea. Offshore wind farms will include Seagreen Alpha and Bravo, Inch Cape, and Neart na Goaithe which will collectively generate 2,284 megawatts and power up to 1.4 million homes. The Scottish Government is aiming to generate
Burbo Bank offshore wind farm extension given the green light
by NWCF on November 18, 2014
Burbo Bank offshore wind farm is currently comprised of 25 wind turbines located on the Burbo Flats within Liverpool Bay. It has the capacity to generate 90 megawatts of electricity to power 80,000 homes. DONG Energy has submitted an application to extend Burbo Bank offshore wind farm which will produce an additional 258 megawatts of
Have your say on the Burbo Bank Extension Community Benefit Fund…..
by NWCF on October 30, 2014
Dong Energy has been actively involved in applying for an extension for Burbo Bank offshore wind farm within Liverpool Bay. In September 2014, the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change granted development for an extension. Consent includes the development and operation of a sub-station, wind turbines and cables. As a result the Burbo
National Infrastructure Projects – North West Update
by NW Coastal Forum on August 20, 2014
The National Infrastructure Planning website has details of the following major infrastructure projects in the coastal or marine area of North West England. Click on the project names below to go the the National Infrastructure Planning website page for each project. Projects go through a range of stages and these are explained in brief below:
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