SUSTAIN: new indicator toolkit for coastal localities available now

The final outputs from the SUSTAIN project – part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the INTERREG IVC programme – are now availble  together with the presentations and other information from our recent Delivering Sustainable Coasts conference from the SUSTAIN project page.

SUSTAIN – Assessing sustainability and strengthening operational policy – has been a 3-year project (2010-2012)  It was a Regional Initiative addressing environment and risk prevention (Priority 2 of the programme) and the sub-theme water management. The project budget was €1.8m.The project partnership was made up of 12 partner organisations from across the EU. The lead partner for the project was the Coastal & Marine Union – EUCC (The Netherlands) and the project was taken forward in North West England by Sefton Council working with the North West Coastal Forum. More information on the project, including all outputs, is available on

Please feel free to share the project outputs with colleagues who might be interested and to utilise the indicator toolkit. If you would like any help or to discuss the toolkit please contact Caroline Salthouse at the North West Coastal Forum.

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