IMPORTANT UPDATE: In light of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and as a mark of respect to the National Mourning period of the UK, it has been decided by the ISMF Committee to postpone the virtual conference, which was due to take place on 15th September, until Friday 7th October 10.00 – 13.00.
Irish Sea Maritime Forum Conference – MSP in the Irish Sea: Where are we now? Change of date to 7th October 2022
by NW Coastal Forum on July 26, 2022
English Coastal Challenge Summit and Coastal Partnerships Network Annual Forum – 8 & 9 October, Southampton
by NW Coastal Forum on June 13, 2019
The Coastal Partnerships Network, Coastal Communities Alliance and Local Government Association Coastal Special Interest Group will be hosting a second national summit on 8th October 2019. The aim of the English Coastal Challenge Summit is to bring together coastal communities from around the UK and the audiences of the three major coastal fora – Coastal
Irish Sea Maritime Forum Biennial Conference 2019, Cardiff, 15 January
by NW Coastal Forum on November 7, 2018
Book by Friday 11th January – some places still available at this free conference which considers marine planning, marine protected areas and climate change at an Irish Sea-wide scale. The aim of the event is to bring together stakeholders from across the Irish Seas to to learn about issues of current and shared interest and
Coastal Partnerships Annual Forum 2018 – 27 & 28 November, Cardiff
by NW Coastal Forum on October 31, 2018
The Coastal Partnerships Network Annual Forum is the national Continuing Professional Development event for Coastal Partnership Officers, members of their Steering Groups or Boards, partner representatives and anyone who works, or is interested in working, in partnership on the coast. It provides up to date information on the latest legislation and key issues affecting or affected by
Past Event: The Shape of the North West Coast Conference – 12 & 13 June, Southport
by NW Coastal Forum on May 15, 2018
Book by 25th May. The North West & North Wales Coastal Group and the North West Regional Monitoring Programme are holding a ‘Shape of the North West Coast’ conference on the 12th and 13th June 2018 in Southport. This free, 2 day event aims to bring together all those with an interest in coastal risk management
Maritime Spatial Planning: Transboundary Co-operation in the Celtic Seas – SIMCelt closing conference 28 &29 November, Liverpool
by NW Coastal Forum on August 1, 2017
SIMCelt – Supporting Implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in the Celtic Seas – is a 2 year project running to December 2017 co-funded by the EU Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. It aims to promote practical cross-border cooperation between Member States on the implementation of the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive in OSPSAR Region III:
Tourism & the Public Value of Nature: 27th September – call for speakers
by NW Coastal Forum on July 1, 2017
The University of Central Lancashire is holding a free to attend one day conference on Tourism and the Public Value of Nature on 27th September, 2017, at their Westlakes campus in Whitehaven. The conference is being organised by UCLan’s Applied Policy Science Unit in collaboration with the Tourism Society and the Policy Network to celebrate UN World
Date for your diary: Morecambe Bay Partnership Conference, 5th April 2017, Grange-over-Sands
by NWCF on January 7, 2017
Morecambe Bay Partnership has announced the date of its 2017 conference, which this year takes place in Grange-over-Sands. This news was reported as part of their December 2016 newsletter which covers information on a new electric bike network along the Bay Cycle way. The newsletter which is available here also details upcoming events and training
Coastal Partnerships Annual Forum 2016 – presentations available
by NW Coastal Forum on November 21, 2016
The Coastal Partnerships Network Annual Forum is the national continuing professional development event for Coastal Partnership Officers, members of their Steering Groups or Boards and partner representatives. It provides up to date information on the latest legislation and key issues affecting or affected by coastal management and helps to showcase different aspects of the work
Last few places: Sandscapes: celebrating the natural and cultural capital of coastal landscapes, 11th & 12th October, Southport
by NW Coastal Forum on September 2, 2016
The last few places are still available at the North West Coastal Forum’s Biennial Coastal Conference so we’ve extended booking until Friday 7th October. This year our conference is being run as a joint event with the Sefton Coast Landscape Partnership. It’s free-to-attend event and includes a full day field trip to the Sefton coast
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