What’s Happening on the North West Coast 2022 Pilot Report

The aims of the ‘What’s Happening on the North West Coast’ pilot report are to:

  • provide a comprehensive overview of strategic actions and policies at sub-regional or regional scale of significance for the North West coast, and which contribute to creating a more sustainable future for our coast
  • help organisations working on the coast to identify key gaps in activity and find opportunities for shared learning, best practice and future collaboration.

The intention is that this document is ‘live’ and updated regularly, however this is subject to further funding being sourced.

The report forms part of a Regional Demonstration Project: ‘Exploring the Benefits of a Regional Approach to Coastal Coordination in North West England’, which is one of a series of Regional Demonstration Projects taking place across England as part of the ‘A National Framework Championing Coastal Coordination’ project led by Coastal Partnerships Network (CPN)and supported by the Championing Coastal Coordination (3Cs) fund . The North West’s RDP is led by the North West Coastal Forum.

The 3Cs funding offered an opportunity to test whether such a report might be welcomed, and to revisit the vision and strategic outcomes developed in 2008 and test whether they are still fit for purpose or need updating to reflect current needs and ambitions.

Championing Coastal Coordination (3Cs) is an Environment Agency initiative with support from Natural England, the Marine Management Organisation and the Association of Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities. It is a collaboration seeking to explore how to enhance and progress coordination for coastal sustainability and resilience in England.

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER:  the information in the report has been provided for publication by a range of external organisations and is reproduced here in good faith; as such the North West Coastal Forum is not responsible for any errors or inaccuracies but will endeavour to correct any inaccuracies if these are found. Please check information provided before relying on it and report any errors or inaccuracies found to [email protected]

Download “Whats-Happening-on-the-NW-Coast-2022-Pilot-Report-1.pdf” Whats-Happening-on-the-NW-Coast-2022-Pilot-Report-1.pdf – Downloaded 2320 times – 1.57 MB

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