Natural England have produced their monthly update for July 2016 summarising the progress being made on delivery of coastal access in the North West. Stretch 1 (Allonby to Whitehaven) and Stretch 2 (Whitehaven to Silecroft) are ‘open’, with work started on implementing the route in Stretch 2 and a likely completion date of 2017. Stretches 3 (Gretna to Allonby) and 4 (Walney Island) are in the ‘development’ phase with proposals for Stretch 3 currently out for consultation (see separate news item on this) and Stretch 4 due to be published soon. Information gathering has started on Stretches 5 and 6 (Silecroft to Silverdale and Silverdale to Cleveleys).
The July 2016 update can be downloaded below:
Download “NW Coastal Access Update July 2016” North-West-Coastal-Access-Monthly-Update-July-2016.pdf – Downloaded 1338 times – 130.70 KBIf you would like to get these updates direct please contact: [email protected]
Natural England has also issued an England Coastal Path Update for June which shows progress across England. This can be downloaded below:
Download “National Coastal Access Update June 2016” Nat-Stkhlr-Eng-Coast-Path-Monthly-Update-June-16-.pdf – Downloaded 1322 times – 133.31 KB