Scotland’s first National Marine Plan was adopted on 25 March 2015 and laid before the Scottish Parliament on 27 March 2015
Setting out a single statutory planning framework for all marine activity – existing and emering, including devolved and reserved functions – within Scottish waters, the plan covers Scotland’s seas to the 200 nautical miles boundary and has a 3 year reporting timetable.
As well as policies for the sustainable management of a wide range of marine industries it includes sectoral plans for offshore wind, wave and tidal energy in Scottish waters.
Rural Affairs Secretary Richard Lochhead said
“Our seas provide energy, food and recreation and many other crucial goods and services. This is why it is so important the marine environment itself is at the heart of the plan, ensuring it remains a prized asset for future generations. The Scottish Government is committed to supporting the economic activity of the marine industry while ensuring the marine environment is protected and enhanced. I am delighted to have adopted Scotland’s first ever National Marine Plan following a consultation process, it is an important step towards achieving sustainable management of our important marine resources. This marks the beginning of a long term commitment to protect our seas for future generations and I would like to thank the wide range of marine interests who have been involved in the development of the plan. We now have an easy to use framework with planning information available online through National Marine Plan interactive.”
To view the plan and supporting documents follow this link.