The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and English Heritage are running, jointly, a photography competition to celebrate our coastal heritage. The public is being asked to tweet photos of their treasured coastal heritage sites – be that a monument, pier or historic building. To enter tweet your photos to #HistoricCoast explain what the photo is of and where it is.
The competition runs until the 6th March and the public then have the opportunity to vote by clicking on their favourites from a selection of the best photos submitted until Friday 13th March 2015. Further details and the shortlisted photos will be placed on the Coastal Communities Alliance website for the voting process. Winners will be announced the following week. The 3 winners will each receive a photography master class with an English Heritage photographer and there are also prizes for runners up.
For more information on the competition follow this link.
Commenting on the competition Communities Minister Penny Mordaunt said ‘From picturesque lighthouses, to beloved Victorian piers and historic seafronts, our coastal towns are awash with striking icons which we want to celebrate. It is these icons that can be catalysts that help our coastal towns rise up and drive forward their local economies by creating jobs, boosting skills and opening up new business opportunities. So please send in your snaps so all these images that show our illustrious and proud seaside towns can be shared and provide inspiration to others’.
Laurie Magnus, Chairman of English Heritage said ‘There is something about the English seaside that brings out the best in us. Nowhere else in the world can match its charms and eccentricities. By asking the public to record this unique part of England’s heritage we are not only celebrating but capturing the best of what this country has to offer’.