UK MARLISCO Forum 10th December 2014, London

The UK MARLISCO Forum is scheduled for the 10th December. MARLISCO (MARine LItter in European Seas: Social AwarenesS and CO-resposibility) is a European Seas project seeking to raise public awareness of litter problems within the marine environment, and to promote sustainable management to reduce marine litter originating from land and sea based sources. The marine environmental scope of MARLISCO includes the North East Atlantic, Baltic, Mediterranean and Black Sea. The Seas are collectively brought together through a consortium with members located in 15 coastal countries.

The UK MARLISCO Forum is intended to highlight what can and is being done to tackle littering with special emphasis on behavioural change. It will enable to share latest technical developments, scientific and sociological understanding and consider how to develop best practice. The National fora on Marine Litter are held in 12 European countries in 2014 to enable discussion on the issues and solutions in the individual countries. The first forum was run in Ireland (Dublin). The UK MARLISCO Forum aims to emphasise the positive roles of UK stakeholders in addressing this wide-ranging problem (more information at [email protected] / follow the link or download the flyer below:

Download “UK MARLISCO Forum” Marlisco-forum.pdf – Downloaded 1491 times – 232.90 KB

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