Programme Available! – Coastal Partnerships Network Annual Forum 2014

The North West Coastal Forum is delighted to announce that the Coastal Partnerships Network Annual Forum – the national CPD event for Coastal Partnership Officers, their Board and Steering Group members and the organisations that work in partnership with them – is being held here in the North West on 4th and 5th November in Grange-over-Sands.

The conference will feature key policy updates and partnership news and will share an optional half day field trip to Morecambe Bay with the North West Coastal Forum’s biennial coastal conference – Destination Coast! – which immediately precedes the CPN Annual Forum. A networking Partnership Dinner will be held on the evening of 4th November.

The full programme is available to download here:

Download “CPN Annual Forum 2014 Programme”

CPN-2014-Programme.pdf – Downloaded 1473 times – 113.69 KB

To discuss opportunities for exhibitions, delegate pack inserts and event sponsorship please contact Caroline on [email protected] or telephone 0151 934 2966.

The registration form for the Coastal Partnerships Network Annual Forum 2014 is available to download below in both Word and .pdf formats:

Download “CPN Annual Forum 2014 registration form - Word version”

CPN-2014-BOOKING-FORM.docx – Downloaded 1303 times – 478.48 KB

Download “CPN Annual Forum 2014 - registration form .pdf version”

CPN-2014-BOOKING-FORM.pdf – Downloaded 1401 times – 144.38 KB

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