Two consultations are currently open on aspects of bringing the Offshore Safety Directive (OSD) 2013/30/EU into UK law. Both consultations close on 21st September 2014.
The OSD, which applies to offshore waters out to the limit of UK jurisdiction, aims to reduce the potential for major accidents offshore and improve safety standards. When an incident occurs the polluter will pays and makes good the damage.
DECC and HSE are currently consulting on the implementation of Directive 2013/30/EU on the safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. The consultation includes a review of offshore Approved Codes of Practice and the updating of UK onshore oil and gas safety legislation to cover emerging energy technologies, as well as proposals to set up a new offshore competent authority. For more details click here.
The OSD is a complex Directive covering many different areas of work including safety and environmental issues so at the same time Defra and the Welsh Government are consulting on amending the Environmental Damage (Prevention and Remediation) Regulations 2009 in England and Wales to transpose Article 38 of the OSD and extend their scope into offshore marine waters. The consultation is on the draft Environmental Damage (Prevention and Remediation) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 that will transpose Article 38 in English waters and the Welsh offshore area and includes the division of responsibilities for enforcement of the new arrangements between various competent authorities. The consultation documents and more information can be found here.