Maritime Spatial Planning: Transboundary Co-operation in the Celtic Seas – SIMCelt closing conference 28 &29 November, Liverpool

SIMCelt – Supporting Implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in the Celtic Seas – is a 2 year project running to December 2017 co-funded by the EU Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. It aims to promote practical cross-border cooperation between Member States on the implementation of the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive in OSPSAR Region III: the Celtic Seas (NB this includes the Irish Sea). It involves the marine planning authorities and other partners from France, Ireland and the UK.

SIMCelt’s focus is on informing practical aspects of MSP implementation, with a specific focus on transboundary cooperation. In addition the identification and sharing of best practice will enhance understanding of and address the issues and challenges to MSP implementation that span the Celtic Seas. For latest information on the project see the newsletter which is downloadable below.

The final event, which is free to attend and takes place in Liverpool on 28th and 29th November, is aimed at stakeholders, practitioners, researchers and all those involved in Maritime Spatial Planning in the Celtic Seas area and beyond. It will feature interactive workshops and sessions and will address not only the direct results from the SIMCelt project but also at insights from other relevant initiatives.

For more information and to book your place see the flyer below or follow this link

Download “SIMCelt Closing Conference” SIMCelt-Conference-Flyer.pdf – Downloaded 944 times – 1.46 MB

SIMCelt newsletter 3 (which also includes conference information):

Download “SIMCelt Newsletter 3” SIMCelt-Newsletter-3.pdf – Downloaded 930 times – 1.39 MB

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