About NW Coastal Forum

Archive by Author

Consultation Outcome: Proposal to remove Roanhead and Askam in Furness beaches from the list of designated bathing waters

Defra has published the summary of responses and the outcome of their consultation on the de-designation of the Roanhead and Askam in Furness bathing waters. Outcome: both Askam in Furness and Roanhead will be removed from the list of bathing waters with effect from the 2014 bathing season on the grounds of concerns about public

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Welcome to Morecambe Bay course – training to boost the visitor economy

‘Welcome to Morecambe Bay’, a new, bespoke customer-service training course, is taking place for the first time in Cumbria on Tuesday 13 May at the Forum in Barrow with further courses taking place over the next 12 months.  The one-day training course combines customer care with product knowledge so that visitors get the best possible

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Morecambe Bay Plays Host to Spectacular Outdoor Photography Exhibition

100 panels of stunning images of the UK’s wildlife and nature will be unveiled by Morecambe Bay Partnership in three locations around Morecambe Bay this summer. Part of the 2020VISION roadshow, this spectacular Street Gallery exhibition tells the story of why nature and wild places matter to each and every one of us. The images,

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Coastal Partnerships Network Newsletter Spring 2014

The Spring 2014 Coastal Partnerships Network newsletter is available to download below. It contains a round up of Coastal Partnerships Network activity including the meeting with the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Environment, George Eustice, MP in March which Caroline Salthouse of the North West Coastal Forum took part in, together with work on development of

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Call for papers – ICE Coastal Management 2015

The Institution of Civil Engineers’ (ICE) 8th Coastal Management Conference will take place in September 2015, in the Netherlands. Coastal Management 2015 – Changing Coasts, Changing Climate, Changing Minds seeks papers on top international coastal projects that offer practical learning, innovative and integrated solutions, and encourage new ways of understanding and managing our coasts. Occurring every

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NW IFCA News Issue 5 April 2014

The North West Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority has issued their latest newsletter which, among other news includes details of Fishing Community Stakeholder Meetings which will be held on a range of dates from 16th May in Wallasey, Preston, Milnthorpe and Whitehaven.  The meetings are being held to explain changes to fisheries management in European

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A New Directive for Maritime Spatial Planning

The European Parliament has today (24th April) endorsed a new Directive for Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP).  MSP is a fundamental part of EU Integrated Maritime Policy and the Commission’s Blue Growth Strategy.  The text adopted can be found here. In an increasingly busy coastal and marine environment with many competing needs and finite resources the

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Latest Coastal Access News – April 2014

On the 11th April coastal access rights formally commenced on the first stretch of the North West’s coast to be opened up as part of the English Coastal Path. This stretches 36 km from Allonby to Whitehaven. Forthe  latest details on progress on rolling out the English Coastal Path in Cumbria including information on the

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Transboundary Planning in the European Atlantic – Project Showcase 20th May!

The Transboundary Planning in the European Atlantic (TPEA) project would like to extend an open invitation to participate at its free-to-attend Project Showcase which will follow the closing session of the European Maritime Day at Bremen, Germany, on Tuesday 20th May 2014. The event will provide a great opportunity to learn about this transboundary maritime spatial

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2 NW Offshore Renewables Projects get Green Light

Government announce today that 8 major renewable energy projects will be built, boosting jobs and contributing to a reduction of carbon emissions by around 10 Mt CO2 per year in comparison to power generation from fossil fuels. By 2020, the projects should provide up to £12 billion of private sector investment, supporting 8,500 jobs and adding a further

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