Consultation close 11:45 pm, 31 January 2023 The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) is carrying out a 4 week consultation seeking views on a draft report ‘Review of Consents for Major Infrastructure Projects and Special Protection Areas’. The review is required as a result of new or updated Special Protection Area designations.
Closed – Review of consents for major energy infrastructure projects and Special Protection Areas, 2022
by NW Coastal Forum on January 19, 2023
Irish Sea Maritime Forum Conference – MSP in the Irish Sea: Where are we now? Change of date to 7th October 2022
by NW Coastal Forum on July 26, 2022
IMPORTANT UPDATE: In light of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and as a mark of respect to the National Mourning period of the UK, it has been decided by the ISMF Committee to postpone the virtual conference, which was due to take place on 15th September, until Friday 7th October 10.00 – 13.00.
The Future and Changing Context of the Irish Sea in the 2020s
by NW Coastal Forum on October 25, 2021
Over the summer of 2020 the Irish Sea Maritime Forum, supported by the University of Liverpool, conducted an online survey to develop a comprehensive picture of the future for the Irish Sea and its communities on a whole Irish Sea scale. The aim of the survey was to discover and extend understanding of what makes
Closed – Consultation on Draft Marine Plans for North West, South West, North East and South East Launched
by NW Coastal Forum on January 14, 2020
Deadline Extended – now closes 11:45 p.m. on the 20th April 2020 – this consultation was due to close on the 6th April 2020 but the deadline has been extended due to the Covid-19 outbreak. However the MMO urges people who have nearly completed their response to try to meet the original 6th April deadline
Government announces completion of UK ‘Blue Belt’
by NW Coastal Forum on June 2, 2019
Defra has announced the designation of the third tranche of Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs). The latest designations of 41 new MCZs brings the overall total of MCZs in English waters to 91. In addition, new features have been added to 12 existing MCZs. The Government has announced that this essentially completes the UK ‘Blue Belt’
Irish Sea Maritime Forum Biennial Conference 2019, Cardiff, 15 January
by NW Coastal Forum on November 7, 2018
Book by Friday 11th January – some places still available at this free conference which considers marine planning, marine protected areas and climate change at an Irish Sea-wide scale. The aim of the event is to bring together stakeholders from across the Irish Seas to to learn about issues of current and shared interest and
Irish Sea Maritime Forum Summer 2018 Newsletter
by NW Coastal Forum on May 25, 2018
The Irish Sea Maritime Forum has published a newsletter for Summer 2018. This includes updates on: The continuing role of Senator Gerry Horkan as ISMF Chairman The Future Celtic Seas Collaboration workshop which took place last year and follow-up activities, such as the ISMF Key Stakeholder Review European Maritime and Fisheries Funding (EMFF) applications The
Maritime Spatial Planning: Transboundary Co-operation in the Celtic Seas – SIMCelt closing conference 28 &29 November, Liverpool
by NW Coastal Forum on August 1, 2017
SIMCelt – Supporting Implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in the Celtic Seas – is a 2 year project running to December 2017 co-funded by the EU Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. It aims to promote practical cross-border cooperation between Member States on the implementation of the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive in OSPSAR Region III:
Future Celtic Seas Collaboration
by NW Coastal Forum on July 14, 2017
Updated post-event: Following on from the successful Celtic Seas Partnership project and ongoing work through the SIMCelt project and Irish Sea Maritime Forum, the Irish Sea Maritime Forum held a discussion on future work on Thursday 13th July at the University of Liverpool. This discussion brought at range of stakeholders together to develop mechanisms for future
National Marine Week – 29th July to 13th August
by NW Coastal Forum on July 8, 2017
OK – so this is not a week – as usual it’s a whole fortnight of marine goodness to enjoy! The theme this year is ‘The Sea and Me’ and we are all encouraged to explore our relationship with the sea. National Marine Week is organised by the Wildlife Trusts across England. For news and
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