The Environment Agency has published a report summarising the responses to the consultation on draft River Basin Management Plans that ran from 10 October 2014 to 10 April 2015.
The consultation was the third and final stage of public consultation on the second cycle of river basin planning. It posed questions on proposed long-term objectives for achieving Good Ecological Status in the water environment and the measures being put forward to achieve these, as well as providing opportunities to comment on the economic appraisal and its basis, the environmental assessment and measures stakeholders could help to deliver. The feedback received will help the Environment Agency to update the River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) and future implementation. More information will be provided on this over the coming months. The finalised English RBMPs will be published in December 2015, following Government approval and sign-off by the Secretary of State, and by Welsh Ministers for the two cross border plans (Dee and Severn).
To view the consultation summary document follow this link.