The Scottish Government has permitted the development of four offshore wind farms within the Scottish territory of the North Sea. Offshore wind farms will include Seagreen Alpha and Bravo, Inch Cape, and Neart na Goaithe which will collectively generate 2,284 megawatts and power up to 1.4 million homes. The Scottish Government is aiming to generate
Scottish Government consents the development of 4 offshore wind farms (North Sea)
by NWCF on November 19, 2014
Burbo Bank offshore wind farm extension given the green light
by NWCF on November 18, 2014
Burbo Bank offshore wind farm is currently comprised of 25 wind turbines located on the Burbo Flats within Liverpool Bay. It has the capacity to generate 90 megawatts of electricity to power 80,000 homes. DONG Energy has submitted an application to extend Burbo Bank offshore wind farm which will produce an additional 258 megawatts of
Have your say on the Burbo Bank Extension Community Benefit Fund…..
by NWCF on October 30, 2014
Dong Energy has been actively involved in applying for an extension for Burbo Bank offshore wind farm within Liverpool Bay. In September 2014, the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change granted development for an extension. Consent includes the development and operation of a sub-station, wind turbines and cables. As a result the Burbo
National Infrastructure Projects – North West Update
by NW Coastal Forum on August 20, 2014
The National Infrastructure Planning website has details of the following major infrastructure projects in the coastal or marine area of North West England. Click on the project names below to go the the National Infrastructure Planning website page for each project. Projects go through a range of stages and these are explained in brief below:
Celtic Array pulls out of the Irish Sea Round 3 Zone
by NW Coastal Forum on August 5, 2014
The Crown Estate has announced that it has agreed to a request from Celtic Array Ltd to terminate its offshore wind agreement for the Round 3 Irish Sea Zone site enabling DONG Energy and Centrica to stop development activity. Head of Offshore Wind at the Crown Estate, Huub den Rooijen, said “We have confirmed the developers’ assessment of
Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Update June 2014
by NWCF on July 15, 2014
Maritime Affairs and Fisheries have issued their latest newsletter for June 2014. The contents of the newsletter includes illegal fishing and warnings to Philippines and Papua New Guinea, European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) breakdown, Finance opportunities of Horizon 2020 for Blue Growth, Bluefin Tuna catching and cage control and management of Atlanto-Scandian Herring in
Department of Energy and Climate Change – May/June Review 2014
by NWCF on July 15, 2014
The Department of Energy and Climate Change has released its May/June newsletter. The newsletter begins by reviewing the Queens speech on addressing climate change. The newsletter goes on to discuss maintaining investment in renewable energy, global offshore wind farm developments, underground oil and gas drilling, global nuclear power developments, England’s fuel poverty statistics report, payments methods for energy
European Environment Agency produces report on current state of Europe’s coastal environments
by NWCF on May 6, 2014
The European Environment Agency has recently produced a report discussing the current state of Europe’s coastal regions. Coastal regions are essential for Europe’s economy, generating around 40% of its GDP. The natural assets that provide for the European economy continue to degrade as a result of increasing human activity. Such activities include resource extraction, shipping,
2 NW Offshore Renewables Projects get Green Light
by NW Coastal Forum on April 23, 2014
Government announce today that 8 major renewable energy projects will be built, boosting jobs and contributing to a reduction of carbon emissions by around 10 Mt CO2 per year in comparison to power generation from fossil fuels. By 2020, the projects should provide up to £12 billion of private sector investment, supporting 8,500 jobs and adding a further
Collation and analysis of offshore wind farm piling records 2007 – 2012
by NWCF on April 15, 2014
A report was conducted on the collation and analysis of offshore wind farm piling records during a five period from 2007 to 2014. Mike Elmes, Elena San Martin and Stephen Hull of ABP Marine Environmental Research Limited initiated the study which was funded by The Crown Estate. The report provides an evaluation of off shore
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