Scientists from CEFAS – the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science – have published pioneering research modelling how non-native species can be transported across the ocean on floating marine debris. They used a novel modelling approach, adapting a computer model originally designed to predict the distribution of oil following an oil spill, to uncover
Research report on marine debris pathways for non-native species into UK waters
by NW Coastal Forum on January 18, 2023
Government to ban the supply of unnecessary single-use plastic items
by NW Coastal Forum on January 18, 2023
In November 2021, Defra launched a consultation on proposals to ban the supply of single-use plastic plates, cutlery, and balloon sticks and expanded and extruded polystyrene food and drinks containers. The consultation took place as part of the 25 Year Environment Plan ambition to eliminate avoidable plastic waste by 2042. The responses have now been
Best Practice on Reducing the Amount of Fishing Gear Littering the NE Atlantic
by NW Coastal Forum on July 14, 2020
OSPAR has published a scoping study on best practices for the design and recycling of fishing gear as a means to reduce quantities of fishing gear found as marine litter in the North East Atlantic. Both unintentional and intentional loss of fishing gear at sea result in marine litter and negative environmental impacts. The study
ICES Newsletter Update – September 2016
by NWCF on September 1, 2016
The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has produced its newsletter for September 2016. The content of the newsletter includes the following: Article on plastics and plankton Interactive ecosystem overview diagrams published online Subjects under spotlight at the Annual Science Conference (ASC) Reflecting on the ecosystem approach for the Arctic More information
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