MMO Marine Plan Implementation Training Sessions The Marine Planning Team at the Marine Management Organisation are holding a series of marine plan implementation training sessions. These sessions have been designed to provide marine planning training and guidance to support applicants, decision-makers, and other stakeholders to effectively implement the marine plans across all areas and sectors in
Publication of the Consultation Summary for the Draft NE, NW, SE and SW Marine Plans
by NW Coastal Forum on July 14, 2020
The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has published the ‘Draft North East, North West, South East and South West Marine Plans: Consultation Summary 2020’ . The summary outlines the key findings from the recent consultation on the inshore and offshore marine plans for the 4 remaining marine plan areas. Once the plans are finalised in light
Marine Area Statement for Wales
by NW Coastal Forum on July 7, 2020
Natural Resources Wales have published 7 Area Statements, including one for the Welsh marine waters out to 12 nautical miles. These Statements have been developed with local partners to help to deliver sustainable management of natural resources at a place-based level and the Welsh Goverment’s Natural Resources Policy priorities of: Delivering nature-based solutions Increasing renewable
Closed – Consultation on Draft Marine Plans for North West, South West, North East and South East Launched
by NW Coastal Forum on January 14, 2020
Deadline Extended – now closes 11:45 p.m. on the 20th April 2020 – this consultation was due to close on the 6th April 2020 but the deadline has been extended due to the Covid-19 outbreak. However the MMO urges people who have nearly completed their response to try to meet the original 6th April deadline
Welsh National Marine Plan Published
by NW Coastal Forum on November 14, 2019
The Welsh Government has published the Welsh National Marine Plan – Wale’s first ever strategic plan for marine management. Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths, said: “This is our first step in ensuring we utilise our seas to the best of their potential, without having a negative impact on our marine and
Closed 29th March – Still time to comment on North West Marine Plan policies
by NW Coastal Forum on March 23, 2019
Closes 29th March The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is currently holding on-line engagement on draft policies and supporting text for marine planning in the north east, north west, south east and south west marine plan areas. The engagement period started in January and has included a range of workshops, including 2 here in the North
Closed – North West Marine Plan – Iteration 2 Online Engagement and Workshops
by NW Coastal Forum on January 23, 2018
Online Engagement opens on 29th January and closes 29th March 2018 This Spring 2018 the MMO is engaging on iteration 2 of marine planning for the four remaining marine plan regions – the north west, north east, south west and south east. The engagement will focus on: draft marine plan area visions draft options to address
Marine plans iteration 1 engagement summary published
by NW Coastal Forum on August 1, 2017
The Marine Management Organisation has published an engagement summary highlighting feedback for the marine plans iteration 1 following the spring workshops and other engagement during the development of marine plans for the North West, North East, South West and South East areas. It analyses the engagement in each of the 4 areas and summarises stakeholder
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