The Government has published – in June 2021 – an updated government response to the House of Lords Select Committee on Regenerating Seaside Towns and Communities ‘The Future of Seaside Towns’ report, which was published in April 2019. The updated response, and accompanying letter from Luke Hall MP, Minister for Regional Growth and Local Government
Future of Seaside Towns – Updated Government Response to House of Lords Select Committee Report
by NW Coastal Forum on June 23, 2021
Government Response to the Highly Protected Marine Areas Review
by NW Coastal Forum on June 16, 2021
The Government has – on 8th June 2021 – published its response to the Highly Protected Marine Areas Review which they had previously commissioned former Environment and Fisheries Minister Richard Benyon to undertake to examine whether and how the strongest protections for areas of sea, known as Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs), could be introduced.
Government Response to the House of Lords Select Committee Report on the Future of Seaside Towns
by NW Coastal Forum on July 19, 2019
The government has issued a response to the report by the House of Lords Select Committee on the future of seaside towns. The Committee looked closely at a wide range of issues affecting seaside towns and the government response supports the vast majority of the report’s recommendations and highlights the work being undertaken to help
Coastal Communities Fund Round 5 Opens
by NW Coastal Forum on February 27, 2018
On 26th February DCLG announced the opening of a new £40 million round of Coastal Communities Fund funding in England to support the economic development of coastal communities. The new funding is available for spend between April 2019 and March 2021. Projects should be over £50000 and lead to economic growth and regeneration as well
Defra’s 25 Year Environment Plan Published
by NW Coastal Forum on January 12, 2018
‘A Green Future: Our 25 Year Plan to Improve the Environment’ sets out the UK Government’s commitments to improve the environment within a generation. It sets goals environmental improvements and details how Government will work with businesses and communities to achieve the goals over the next 25 years. The plan sits alongside two other government
Digital Skills Programme Launched by Google to Benefit Coastal Tourism
by NWCF on March 19, 2017
Google has launched a new digital skills programme which aims to help boost tourism at the seaside which is part of the Government’s new Digital Strategy and Digital Skills Partnership. The Google digital skills partnership includes the British Hospitality Association, National Coastal Tourism Academy and UKinbound.. The programme aims to provide digital communication and advertising skills
Great Winter Nurdle Hunt 3rd to 5th February 2017
by NWCF on January 16, 2017
Nurdles, also known as mermaids tears, are tiny little pellets of pre-production plastic and can be found washed up on beaches around the UK. It is thought that these nurdles make it into the sea due to mismanagement in factories which make their way into waterways as well as nurdles being accidentally distributed during transit. Nurdles are
Open: Inquiry into the Future of the Natural Environment after the EU Referendum
by NWCF on October 16, 2016
The Environmental Audit Committee has launched an inquiry into the Future of the Natural Environment after the EU Referendum. Issues include the future of funding for biodiversity and agri-environment schemes, the likely changes in the devolved administration, and the role that managed rewilding can play in conservation and restoration. The inquiry is still currently open and
Government Announces Microbeads Ban
by NWCF on September 13, 2016
The government have recently announced plans to ban microbeads found in cosmetics and personal care products. These tiny pieces of plastic, commonly referred to as microbeads, once washed down the drain often make it into the marine environment which build up and are swallowed by marine life. The government is starting to collect evidence on other
National Flood Resilience Review Published
by NWCF on September 13, 2016
The Government’s National Flood Resilience Review has recently been published. The review includes: £12.5 million for new temporary defences, such as barriers and high volume pumps, at seven strategic locations around the country. By this winter, the Environment Agency (EA) will have four times more temporary barriers than last year. Utility companies’ commitment to increase flood protection
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