Consultation close: 5pm on 7 May 2021 The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy is conducting a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) on the draft plan/programme to enable future offshore energy leasing and licensing for offshore wind, wave and tidal devices and licensing/leasing for seaward oil and gas rounds, hydrocarbon and carbon dioxide gas storage,
Closed – consultation: Offshore Energy Strategic Environmental Assessment 4 Scoping
by NW Coastal Forum on April 29, 2021
Closed consultation: Amendments to the Environmental Impact Assessment Regime for Offshore Oil and Gas Projects
by NW Coastal Forum on August 10, 2020
Consultation closed 23:45 on 2 October 2020 The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy is seeking views on proposed Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration, Production, Unloading and Storage (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2020 which would replace the Offshore Petroleum Production and Pipe-lines (Assessment of Environmental Effects) Regulations 1999. The proposed regulations amend the offshore
The Irish Sea in the 2020s – Survey – closed
by NW Coastal Forum on June 23, 2020
This survey is now closed. The Irish Sea Maritime Forum, supported by the University of Liverpool, is conducting an Irish-sea wide survey to look to the future and the changing context of the Irish Sea in the 2020s. The aim is to develop a comprehensive picture of the future for the Irish Sea and
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