The Wholescape Approach to Marine Management ‘WAMM’ project, which supports a more collaborative approach between Coastal and CaBA partnerships to build knowledge and expertise to enhance delivery for the coastal and estuarine environment nationwide, is nearing its conclusion and a range of useful outputs are now available (see link below). Coastal Data Explorer: The Coastal
WAMM outputs – Coastal Data Explorer, Policy & Legislation StoryMap and Workshop Presentations
by NW Coastal Forum on December 19, 2020
Wholescape Approach to Marine Management North West and South West Regional Workshop September 22nd 2020
by NW Coastal Forum on December 4, 2019
Update – event finished. Funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, and managed by The Rivers Trust and the Coastal Partnerships Network, the Wholescape Approach to Marine Management ‘WAMM’ project aims to support a more collaborative approach between Coastal and Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) partnerships to enhance delivery for the coastal and estuarine environment
Marine Planning: A Guide for Local Councils Published
by NW Coastal Forum on April 12, 2016
The Marine Management Organisation has published a guide for local authorities to support the use and understanding of marine plans and marine planning, the interaction with terrestrial planning and how marine plans should be used. It emphasises the need to consider marine planning and the impact on marine waters when making planning decisions for the
Severn Estuary Partnership – August 2014 Newsletter
by NWCF on August 26, 2014
The Severn Estuary Partnership has issued its August 2014 e-newletter. The contents of the e-newletter includes Partnership news – highlighting the work carried out in August- and Estuary News, including articles on assessing noise impacts on marine mammals, the Wales Coastal Footpath, the arrival of tall ships in Gloucester for Hollywood filming, dredging of the Rivers Parrett and
Speke Garston Coastal Reserve celebrates 10 years!
by NW Coastal Forum on April 22, 2014
The partners of the Speke Garston Coastal Reserve – Liverpool City Council, Liverpool Sailing Club, National Trust and Peel Holdings – are planning a 2-day event on 2nd and 3rd of May to celebrate the 10th birthday of the reserve, a fantastic natural resource on the north bank of the Mersey Estuary. The event includes leisure and walking activities
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