Across the Sands of Dee 2019 was an event delivered by the North West Coastal Forum as part of the Marine Management Organisation’s Enhancing Stakeholder Engagement project, funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund. It took place in Chester on 9th September 2019 and was well attended by cross-border stakeholders – those who have
Across the Sands of Dee 2019 Presentations and Workshop Summary
by NW Coastal Forum on October 3, 2019
Booking now closed for Across the Sands of Dee 2019, Monday 9th September, Chester
by NW Coastal Forum on July 7, 2019
Across the Sands of Dee 2019 is an exciting opportunity for people with an interest in the Dee Estuary and Liverpool Bay to gain insight into marine planning in advance of the consultation on the draft north west marine plans later this year, and to input their views into a developing National Lottery Heritage Fund
Last chance to book: Celtic Seas Partnership England Workshop, 19th November, Bristol
by NW Coastal Forum on October 5, 2015
The Celtic Seas Partnership is holding a 2nd round of national workshops over Autumn 2015. Workshops are taking place in England, France, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales and will enable participants to explore a range of issues impacting the future of the Celtic Seas, and to hear an update on the latest developments with
Celtic Seas Partnership Activity Update
by NW Coastal Forum on August 28, 2014
The Celtic Seas Partnership is a four year EC Life+ project supporting the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) in the Celtic Seas. It aims to draw people together from across the Celtic Seas to set up collaborative and innovative approaches to managing their marine environment. It is working to put the people
Severn Estuary Partnership – August 2014 Newsletter
by NWCF on August 26, 2014
The Severn Estuary Partnership has issued its August 2014 e-newletter. The contents of the e-newletter includes Partnership news – highlighting the work carried out in August- and Estuary News, including articles on assessing noise impacts on marine mammals, the Wales Coastal Footpath, the arrival of tall ships in Gloucester for Hollywood filming, dredging of the Rivers Parrett and
Consultation on River Basin Management Planning Ministerial Guidance and Standards
by NW Coastal Forum on May 20, 2014
This consultation closes on 30th May 2014 Defra and the Welsh Government are seeking views on their draft updated guidance to the Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales on river basin planning. The guidance includes a description of how the two Government Agencies will be expected to use the new and updated standards in classifying
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