Natural England’s Cumbria Area Team has produced August and September Cumbria Coastal Access Monthly Updates and these can be downloaded below. They cover progress on the 2nd length of coast to be developed: Whitehaven to Silecroft and the recently announced 3rd stretch (Gretna to Allonby). In addition the national team has published the August England Coastal Path
Solway Firth Partnership Spring/Summer Newsletter 2014
by NWCF on July 15, 2014
The Solway Firth Partnership has issued their spring/summer 2014 newsletter which can be viewed following the link below. The contents of the newsletter includes the work of Solway Coast AONB Community Volunteer Group, the Coast Project – what the tide’s brought in, invasion of non-native species in Solway, food sources around Solway coast, exploring Sabellaria
2 NW Offshore Renewables Projects get Green Light
by NW Coastal Forum on April 23, 2014
Government announce today that 8 major renewable energy projects will be built, boosting jobs and contributing to a reduction of carbon emissions by around 10 Mt CO2 per year in comparison to power generation from fossil fuels. By 2020, the projects should provide up to £12 billion of private sector investment, supporting 8,500 jobs and adding a further
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