Update – event finished. Funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, and managed by The Rivers Trust and the Coastal Partnerships Network, the Wholescape Approach to Marine Management ‘WAMM’ project aims to support a more collaborative approach between Coastal and Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) partnerships to enhance delivery for the coastal and estuarine environment
Wholescape Approach to Marine Management North West and South West Regional Workshop September 22nd 2020
by NW Coastal Forum on December 4, 2019
English Coastal Challenge Summit and Coastal Partnerships Network Annual Forum – 8 & 9 October, Southampton
by NW Coastal Forum on June 13, 2019
The Coastal Partnerships Network, Coastal Communities Alliance and Local Government Association Coastal Special Interest Group will be hosting a second national summit on 8th October 2019. The aim of the English Coastal Challenge Summit is to bring together coastal communities from around the UK and the audiences of the three major coastal fora – Coastal
Coastal Partnerships Annual Forum 2018 – 27 & 28 November, Cardiff
by NW Coastal Forum on October 31, 2018
The Coastal Partnerships Network Annual Forum is the national Continuing Professional Development event for Coastal Partnership Officers, members of their Steering Groups or Boards, partner representatives and anyone who works, or is interested in working, in partnership on the coast. It provides up to date information on the latest legislation and key issues affecting or affected by
Coastal Challenge Summit 2018 – Report Now Available
by NW Coastal Forum on August 23, 2018
On the 24th April 2018, three established coastal networks, the Coastal Partnerships Network (CPN), the Coastal Communities Alliance (CCA) and the Local Government Association Coastal Special Interest Group (LGA Coastal SIG) met at Europe House, Smith Square in London to explore common ground on coastal issues and joint opportunities for advancing the environmental, economic and
Past event – Coastal Challenge Summit, 24th April, London
by NW Coastal Forum on March 1, 2018
Update – the workshop has taken place and a summary report will be produced. The Coastal Partnerships Network, working the Coastal Communities Alliance and the LGA Coastal Special Interest Group, is hosting a Coastal Challenge Event on 24th April, in London. The North West Coastal Forum, through our involvement on the CPN Committee, is involved in
Coastal Partnerships Annual Forum 2016 – presentations available
by NW Coastal Forum on November 21, 2016
The Coastal Partnerships Network Annual Forum is the national continuing professional development event for Coastal Partnership Officers, members of their Steering Groups or Boards and partner representatives. It provides up to date information on the latest legislation and key issues affecting or affected by coastal management and helps to showcase different aspects of the work
Save the date: Coastal Partnerships Network Annual Forum 2016 – 9th & 10th November, Durham
by NW Coastal Forum on August 3, 2016
This year’s Coastal Partnerships Network Forum will take place in Durham on Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th November. The venue is the historic Town Hall in the centre of Durham, close to the Durham World Heritage Site. The event will include a field visit to the Durham Heritage Coast to discuss a range of coastal
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