The North West Coastal Forum has produced a series of posters to publicise the current consultation on the Draft North West Inshore and Offshore Marine Plans which is taking place until April 6th 2020. The posters will be displayed at public information points on the coast and in a range of other places from sailing
Digital Skills Programme Launched by Google to Benefit Coastal Tourism
by NWCF on March 19, 2017
Google has launched a new digital skills programme which aims to help boost tourism at the seaside which is part of the Government’s new Digital Strategy and Digital Skills Partnership. The Google digital skills partnership includes the British Hospitality Association, National Coastal Tourism Academy and UKinbound.. The programme aims to provide digital communication and advertising skills
Call for evidence: The Economic Potential of Coastal Communities and the Visitor Economy
by NW Coastal Forum on August 30, 2016
Closes 5.00pm on 30 September 2016 The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for the Visitor Economy is conducting an Inquiry into the Economic Potential of Coastal Communities and the Visitor Economy. The aim of the inquiry is to provide an opportunity to discuss how the Government and the hospitality and tourism industry can support the economic
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