Connecting coastal and upstream environments – a link to a recording of the event is below Organised by: The Catchment Based Approach & Coastal Partnership Network The WAMM (Wholescape Approach to Marine Management) project was established to help drive closer collaboration between the Catchment Based Approach ‘CaBA’ Partnerships, Coastal Partnerships and the Coastal Partnerships Network
WAMM: A Collaborative Approach to Coastal Management – webinar recording now available
by NW Coastal Forum on January 24, 2022
NERC Environmental Data Discovery Trails Quiz!
by NW Coastal Forum on November 4, 2020
Join in the NERC Environmental Data Discovery Trails, you might get a reward! To improve the accessibility of data collected through NERC-funded research, or managed by NERC data centres, the Natural Environment Research Council is collecting feedback on the user experience to improve the navigation of various web portals used to access these data. To
Catchment Based Approach Planning Workshops
by NWCF on December 18, 2016
The Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) support team are running a series of workshops for CaBA Partners to provide support and guidance for both the development of Catchment Plans and the capturing of the environmental, social and economic benefits of partnership working. Workshops will be held in the following locations on the following dates: Penrith – 31st Jan 2017
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