UPDATE – this workshop has been postponed and will now be held in the autumn. More information will be posted at that time. The Support Unit for the Atlantic Action Plan, working with the Irish Sea Maritime Forum, is holding a workshop on EU funding and project development for the Atlantic Area in Liverpool. This follows on from
Implementing the Atlantic Action Plan – Workshop on Funding & Project Development, Liverpool
by NW Coastal Forum on June 22, 2017
Maritime Affairs & Fisheries News – May 2016
by NWCF on June 3, 2016
The newsletter from the Maritime Affairs & Fisheries for May has been published and covers the following topics: News European Maritime Day – taking Blue Growth to the next level The way forward for European aquaculture: high-level seminar in Brussels Green Week: webinar on funding and investing in sustainable blue projects The European Parliament voted the
Atlantic Action Plan – 3rd UK National Workshop
by NWCF on May 16, 2016
The 3rd UK National Workshop on Funding and Project Development to help implement the Atlantic Action Plan will be held on the 13th July 2016 in London run by the Support Team for the Atlantic Action Plan. This workshop will include an update on Blue Growth in the UK and open up discussions on supporting and
3rd Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference, 27th September, Dublin
by NWCF on April 19, 2016
The third annual Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference will be held on the 27th September 2016 in Dublin. The Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference aims to facilitate a central hub for stakeholders of the Atlantic Strategy and provide good opportunities for stakeholders to create contacts, share best practices, publicise innovative projects and ideas and explore funding opportunities and partnerships. The conference will promote Atlantic
Implementing the Atlantic Action Plan: National Workshop on Funding & Project Development, 9th Dec, Liverpool
by NW Coastal Forum on November 7, 2015
Implementing the Atlantic Action Plan: National Workshop on Funding & Project Development, 9th Dec, Liverpool Organisers: DG MARE, Irish Sea Maritime Forum and the UK Support Team for the Atlantic Action Plan. This free-to-attend event will provide an update on the Atlantic Action Plan and the role of the UK support team in assisting stakeholders to
Consultation: International Ocean Governance
by NWCF on June 10, 2015
Closes 15th September 2015. The European Commission has opened a consultation to review how the EU could improve its international governance over the European seas and oceans to enhance sustainable blue growth. The importance of ocean governance is increasing due to growing utilisation of marine resources and the failure to comply with rules, regulations and
Irish Sea Maritime Forum 3rd Annual Conference – Booking and Programme Available!
by NW Coastal Forum on May 20, 2014
The ISMF Steering Group is pleased to announce that the third Irish Sea Maritime Forum Annual Conference will take place on Wednesday 2nd July 2014 at the Rum Warehouse, Stanley Dock, Liverpool. The theme of this year’s conference is Blue Growth, a strategic initiative by the European Union to support sustainable growth in marine and
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