NWCF Publications

North West Coastal Forum Response to Bathing Water Season Length Consultation
by NW Coastal Forum on October 15, 2013

NWCF Response to the Informal Consultation on Sustainable Development Indicators
by NW Coastal Forum on September 15, 2013

The case for marine planning to come to North West England
by NW Coastal Forum on April 26, 2012
A document submitted to the MMO to support the case for the 2nd marine planning region to be North West England. It was prepared by the North West Coastal Forum but represents the views of a wider group of organisations and participants in the March 2012 ‘A Sea Change: Marine Spatial Planning from Solway to

Accessing the North West Coast June 2011 Event & Consultation Report
by NW Coastal Forum on December 2, 2011

North West Coastal Trail documents
by NWCF on July 27, 2011
Research documents: Branding Strategy: Conference reports:

Understanding the Coastal Communities of the North West
by NWCF on May 11, 2011
Research commissioned by the North West Coastal Forum and 4NW in 2009 to investigate socio-economic and environmental issues and opportunities for coastal communities in the North West of England. The study, part funded by Defra, investigates 47 of the NW coastal communities ranging in size from small villages to the urban connurbation of Liverpool and,
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