The Marine Management Organisation is advertising for new voluntary members for the North Western, North Eastern, Sussex, Southern and Cornwall Fisheries and Inshore Conservation Authorities (IFCA). The North Western IFCA is looking for three new members, particularly those with experience and interest in commercial or recreational fishing, the marine environment or other relevant interest and experience.
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2017 summer regional
Opportunities to get involved with inshore fisheries and conservation management
by NW Coastal Forum on September 5, 2017
Marine plans iteration 1 engagement summary published
by NW Coastal Forum on August 1, 2017
The Marine Management Organisation has published an engagement summary highlighting feedback for the marine plans iteration 1 following the spring workshops and other engagement during the development of marine plans for the North West, North East, South West and South East areas. It analyses the engagement in each of the 4 areas and summarises stakeholder
Coastal Access Updates – including consultation on objections re Gretna to Allonby stretch
by NW Coastal Forum on July 14, 2017
Natural England has published an update on progress on the England Coast Path in the North West. Importantly the Gretna to Allonby stretch is at ‘determination stage’ with a decision by the Secretary of State expected in late 2017. Currently the independent planning inspector appointed by the Secretary of State is inviting comments by midnight on 17th July on
National Marine Week – 29th July to 13th August
by NW Coastal Forum on July 8, 2017
OK – so this is not a week – as usual it’s a whole fortnight of marine goodness to enjoy! The theme this year is ‘The Sea and Me’ and we are all encouraged to explore our relationship with the sea. National Marine Week is organised by the Wildlife Trusts across England. For news and
Tourism & the Public Value of Nature: 27th September – call for speakers
by NW Coastal Forum on July 1, 2017
The University of Central Lancashire is holding a free to attend one day conference on Tourism and the Public Value of Nature on 27th September, 2017, at their Westlakes campus in Whitehaven. The conference is being organised by UCLan’s Applied Policy Science Unit in collaboration with the Tourism Society and the Policy Network to celebrate UN World
Morecambe Bay Cycle Way wins Cumbria Tourism Award for Tourism Experience of the Year
by NW Coastal Forum on June 27, 2017
On 21st June Morecambe Bay Partnership picked up the coveted Cumbria Tourism Award for Tourism Experience of the Year 2017 for the Bay Cycle Way. The Bay Cycle Way developed by Morecambe Bay Partnership in partnership with Sustrans, is part of the National Cycle Network and connects Walney Island to Glasson, just south of Lancaster. Funded