Tag Archives: solway

What’s Happening on the North West Coast 2022 Pilot Report

The aims of the ‘What’s Happening on the North West Coast’ pilot report are to: provide a comprehensive overview of strategic actions and policies at sub-regional or regional scale of significance for the North West coast, and which contribute to creating a more sustainable future for our coast help organisations working on the coast to

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Solway Firth Coastal Conversations Online

The Solway Coast AONB and the Solway Firth Partnership are presenting a series of webinars that focus on cross boarder topics such as salt, military history and farm steads. The first talk of the series, ‘Salt on the Solway’, focuses on the Solway’s salt making heritage. The speakers, Andrew Fielding and John Pickin, will summarise our current understanding

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Solway Marine Planning Animation

Solway Firth Partnership has produced an animation as part of the Marine Management Organisation’s ‘Enhanced Stakeholder Engagement’ project. Kyla Orr, an experienced freelance marine ecology consultant and animator, has used graphics and voice over to create a simple, yet effective, overview of the marine planning process in the Solway Firth. This video aims to explain what

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Solway Firth Partnership News – Winter 2016

The December 2016 newsletter from the Solway Firth Partnership (SFP) magazine ‘Tidelines’ is now available. The newsletter details successes between at the recent SFP and Solway Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) conference which detailed Energy, Marine Planning, Community and Landscapes and Marine Biodiversity. The newsletter also details an article written by Ann Linguard of ‘Solway Stories’

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Site Improvement Plan published for Solway Firth

A Site Improvement Plan (SIP) for the Solway Firth has been published by Natural England as part of the Improvement Programme for England’s Natura 2000 Sites (IPENS), a LIFE funded project. The plan provides a high level overview of current and potential future issues affecting the health of Natura 2000 features in the Solway Firth

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Celtic Seas Partnership Project selects Solway as case study

Solway has recently been selected as a suitable case study for the Celtic Seas Partnership Project. Solway is one of three case studies identified as best practice for cross-border management of the marine environment. The Celtic Seas Partnership Project promotes the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), which requires co-ordinated and collaborative sustainable

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