Two new reports have been published by the Crown Estate regarding physical processes of the Severn Estuary. The reports are labelled: ‘Severn Estuary Long Term Morphology, Synthesis of data and modelling studies’ and ‘Severn Estuary Long Term Morphology, an updated review of baseline changes – report on LiDAR data’. The reports will provide an updated overview
Tag Archives: Severn
Severn Estuary Partnership – August 2014 Newsletter
by NWCF on August 26, 2014
The Severn Estuary Partnership has issued its August 2014 e-newletter. The contents of the e-newletter includes Partnership news – highlighting the work carried out in August- and Estuary News, including articles on assessing noise impacts on marine mammals, the Wales Coastal Footpath, the arrival of tall ships in Gloucester for Hollywood filming, dredging of the Rivers Parrett and
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