On the 24th July 2014 30 Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) were designated in accordance with the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 (for the Scottish inshore MPAs) and the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 (for the offshore MPAs). 17 of the MPAs, recommended by Scottish Natural Heritage, have been designated in Scotland’s territorial (inshore) waters, and a further 13, recommended
Tag Archives: Scotland
Art as a tool to understand coastal change in Wales and Scotland: new report from The Crown Estate
by NWCF on April 22, 2014
The Crown Estate has produced a mini series of reports investigating how Art can be used as a visual tool to understand long-term coastal change in the UK. The purpose of the reports was to identify changes in past and present coastlines, which can then help to predict potential future coastline changes. The reports were
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