Over the summer of 2020 the Irish Sea Maritime Forum, supported by the University of Liverpool, conducted an online survey to develop a comprehensive picture of the future for the Irish Sea and its communities on a whole Irish Sea scale. The aim of the survey was to discover and extend understanding of what makes
The Future and Changing Context of the Irish Sea in the 2020s
by NW Coastal Forum on October 25, 2021
The Irish Sea in the 2020s – Survey – closed
by NW Coastal Forum on June 23, 2020
This survey is now closed. The Irish Sea Maritime Forum, supported by the University of Liverpool, is conducting an Irish-sea wide survey to look to the future and the changing context of the Irish Sea in the 2020s. The aim is to develop a comprehensive picture of the future for the Irish Sea and
Implementing the Atlantic Action Plan: National Workshop on Funding & Project Development, 9th Dec, Liverpool
by NW Coastal Forum on November 7, 2015
Implementing the Atlantic Action Plan: National Workshop on Funding & Project Development, 9th Dec, Liverpool Organisers: DG MARE, Irish Sea Maritime Forum and the UKĀ Support Team for the Atlantic Action Plan. This free-to-attend event will provide an update on the Atlantic Action Plan and the role of the UK support team in assisting stakeholders to
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