Closed 23:45, 17th November 2020 Defra, the Northern Ireland Executive, the Scottish Government and the Welsh Government are seeking views on the updated marine monitoring programmes for the state of the UK’s seas. The proposed monitoring programmes will be used to gather evidence on the status of different parts of the UK marine environment to
Closed – consultation: Marine Strategy Part Two: Monitoring Programmes
by NW Coastal Forum on October 3, 2020
Celtic Seas Partnership Activity Update
by NW Coastal Forum on August 28, 2014
The Celtic Seas Partnership is a four year EC Life+ project supporting the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) in the Celtic Seas. It aims to draw people together from across the Celtic Seas to set up collaborative and innovative approaches to managing their marine environment. It is working to put the people
Marine Strategy Framework Directive – Government publishes response to the monitoring consultation and the finalised UK marine monitoring programmes
by NW Coastal Forum on August 6, 2014
A consultation on monitoring proposals for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive took place earlier this year. The Government has now published a summary of the comments with their responses. In addition the ‘UK Marine Strategy Part Two: UK Marine Monitoring Programmes’ has now been finalised and published. There will be a further consultation covering proposals for the UK Programme of Measures
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